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The Suisun Valley Review was established as a way for the students of Solano Community College to learn the art and craft of editing a literary journal while putting together their own magazine once a year. Since the first issue was published in 1981, student editors have collaborated on over thirty issues of SVR, carefully selecting the contents from new and established writers from across the U.S. and abroad. The students are also directly involved with creating the overall design aesthetic and narrative of each issue. Each spring, all of their hard work and endless creative energy is repaid with a bound collection of prose and poetry, sold and kept as a testament to sleepless nights.
SVR's 2014 Submission Guidelines

Thursday, February 17, 2011

SVR 2011 Has Begun

Hello everyone and welcome to the Suisun Valley Review blogspot for 2011. My name is Nick and I will be your blog "Master" for this year. My goal for this blog is to get potential students thinking about the Magazine and English 058 as a whole, to get them (and hopefully YOU) iterested in both, and to chronicle our experiences in and out of class as they relate to the 2011 edition of the magazine.

Things have gotten off to a bit of a slow start this year, nevertheless we're pushing through the obstacles and keeping on course. At the moment we're soliciting submissions for both the Quinton Duval Award and the Suisun Valley Review. Below is a jpeg of the submission poster describing what to, how to, and who can submit for each. We've also begun discussions on the overall quality and craft of poetry and short fiction. I know personally, and i'm sure others feel the same way, the discussions have helped me understand what makes a quality piece, outside of the actual content of the piece.

If there are any questions or comments about this blog, the poster, submissions, the class, or the magazine feel free to email us at OR you can email me personally at We're also on Facebook, you can simply search Suisun Valley Review and on Twitter we are

As a final word, I would highly reccomend getting submissions of poetry, short fiction and art in as soon as possible. Don't hesitate and don't second guess, just put it in an envelope or an email with the required information and SEND IT IN!!!! This especially applys to art if you want to be considered for the cover of the Magazine. That is one of the first aesthetic decisions we need to make, so the sooner the better!!