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The Suisun Valley Review was established as a way for the students of Solano Community College to learn the art and craft of editing a literary journal while putting together their own magazine once a year. Since the first issue was published in 1981, student editors have collaborated on over thirty issues of SVR, carefully selecting the contents from new and established writers from across the U.S. and abroad. The students are also directly involved with creating the overall design aesthetic and narrative of each issue. Each spring, all of their hard work and endless creative energy is repaid with a bound collection of prose and poetry, sold and kept as a testament to sleepless nights.
SVR's 2014 Submission Guidelines

Friday, February 24, 2012

Submission Guidelines for 2012

For your convenience, here are the submission guidelines for 2012. All necessary information is listed, but should you have any questions, do not hesitate to email us! We look forward to your submissions.

SVR is primarily a literary magazine and accepts literary submissions in poetry, prose and fiction. Submissions should be accompanied by
(1) a cover letter including the contributor’s name, address, phone number, & email,
(2) two or three lines of biographical information,
(3) an appropriately sized S.A.S.E. for author notification if not submitted electronically.
If the contributor is an SCC student, please indicate as such. (SCC student-status is not required for publication in SVR.) Simultaneous submissions are amenable as long as they are indicated as such. Editors will respond in approximately four to six weeks after receipt of submissions. Successful submissions in prose and fiction typically do not exceed 2,500 words. Due to volume received, literary work will not be returned.

SVR also accepts submissions in photography, fine art, and 3-D art.
Images of visual submissions must be submitted via email, preferably at 300 ppi in Tiff or JPG formats. An image may be selected for the cover of the magazine unless the artist requests otherwise. A maximum of three works per artist or photographer may be submitted. SVR publishes images in full color.

Authors and artists of accepted submissions receive two copies of the magazine gratis. Authors and artists will be invited to present their work at a publication release to occur mid-May at the Solano Community College Library. Current SCC students who wish also to be considered for the Quinton Duval Award in Creative Writing must state in the cover letter that they are current SCC students.

Submissions may be mailed to the address below.
Suisun Valley Review, English Dept/Humanities, Solano Community College, 4000 Suisun Valley Road, Fairfield, CA 94534

Electronic Submissions and correspondence may be emailed to: